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Barcelona Turisme Convention Bureau

A la vora de la Mediterrània, la vida brilla! A Barcelona gaudireu d’un clima càlid, unes distàncies favorables per a recórrer a peu o amb bicicleta, una prestigiosa gastronomia que combina tradició i innovació, i un amor pel disseny i la cultura palpables a cada pas. Per algun motiu és una de les deu millors ciutats per a viure i treballar a l’estranger!
Barcelona sostenible i segura
Barcelona és una destinació compromesa amb la sostenibilitat i la seguretat turístiques. Té un model basat en pràctiques respectuoses en l’aspecte ambiental, econòmic i sociocultural que a Barcelona Convention Bureau hem integrat com un element estratègic en la nostra gestió diària.
Barcelona tecnològica i científica
La revolució digital ha suposat un canvi profund en la nostra manera de treballar i de relacionar-nos. Barcelona, com a societat dinàmica, ambiciosa i emprenedora, assumeix els nous reptes digitals i enfoca el futur apostant per la innovació i la tecnologia.
Barcelona és molt més
El territori que abraça Barcelona i la rodalia és una destinació de turisme de negocis que complementa a meravella l’oferta de la ciutat: ofereix diversitat de paisatges i un gran nombre d’activitats i d’opcions de visita.
“We wish to sincerely thank the Barcelona Convention Bureau for their indispensable help and support with respect to the organisation of the 34th Annual Congress of the European Association of Urology in the city of Barcelona on 15-19 March 2019. The support from the Convention Bureau, coordinated in an excellent way by Mrs. Ana Bueno, addressed many local aspects which contributed greatly to the success of the EAU19 congress that was attended by more than 12,000 participants from all over the world. The City of Barcelona and the efficient congress lay-out in halls 6 and 8 of the Fira Gran Via provided a great setting for EAU19 and was much appreciated by the congress delegates, representatives from the industry and all others involved. Without the contribution of the Barcelona Convention Bureau it would not have been the same experience and we are very grateful for the support and pleasant cooperation during the past years of preparation. We certainly hope to call upon their help again for future EAU Congresses in Barcelona! ”
Ms. Patricia de Bont<br>Congress Manager<br>European Association of Urology

Ms. Patricia de Bont
Congress Manager
European Association of Urology
“Working with the Barcelona Convention Bureau was an absolute pleasure. We’ve worked together with BCB before, and during the Covid’19 pandemic and they supported us all along the way. They have a ‘partnership mindset’ and that made a huge difference in a period that was extremely challenging for many organisers. The EAIE was able to come back to a 4-day in-person conference & exhibition with a record breaking attendance of more than 6400. Together with the BCB we were able to create a significant social impact by helping us to provide all our attendees with a public transport card for the duration of the conference. In addition they supported us in creating connections with many important local stakeholders. ”

Mr. Gijs Verbeek | Head of Partnerships
“Barcelona has a lot to offer for a very successful scientific meeting. The city is a magnet in all seasons with something for everybody. Our experience in the International Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOP) was excellent, our annual congress had record attendance figures and participant feedback. Barcelona Turisme and the Barcelona Convention Bureau did a wonderful job highlighting what Barcelona has to offer to our attendees and provided an exceptional venue for our Presidential Dinner (the Recinte Modernista at Hospital Sant Pau). Their collaboration was key to the success of our congress and provided a comfortable and easy to navigate venue, in a perfect seafront location with easy access to the city. ”

SIOP President
“It is with great pleasure that I thank the Barcelona Convention Bureau team for their unfaltering support in the preparation of ESC Congress 2022, which took place in Barcelona from 26–29 August 2022. This was a special and important edition of the congress for the ESC, as it marked the return of our in-person meeting after two years of being online-only. With excellent infrastructure and a state-of-the-art venue at Fira Gran Via, the city of Barcelona was able to welcome more than 20,000 cardiovascular healthcare professionals from around the world. Moreover, the support and local knowledge of the Bureau and their many local partners, together with the famed hospitality of the city, contributed greatly towards making it a very successful comeback! ”
Ms. EVA SATGÉ<br>ESC Congress Supervisor<br>Congress & Event Division<br>European Society of Cardiology

ESC Congress Supervisor
Congress & Event Division
European Society of Cardiology
“In 2009, 2016 and 2019 Barcelona proved each time to be the perfect destination for EANM’s annual congress. For 2022, after the Corona break, we were curious to see whether anything had changed. The result: absolutely nothing! Just as seamless, as in previous years, the community appeared with the same strength and once again made the platform of the "Worldleading Meeting in Nuclear Medicine" shine. Our thanks to the entire Barcelona team from the Convention Bureau, to the CCIB team, to security, the hostesses and the cleaning staff. It was a pleasure and we look forward to seeing you again in 3 years.”
Mr. ANDREAS FELSER<br>Executive Director<br>European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM)

Executive Director
European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM)
“The ESOT Congress returned to Barcelona after a long period of time. We have received, since the bid proposal, an unprecedent assistance by the CVB. They helped us with many aspects of the organization and facilitated the relations with local suppliers. But it was certainly after the terrorist attack that they demonstrated support and determination. Despite the recent difficulties the City remains very attractive and inviting. ”
ESOT Chief Executive Officer
“‘This was INTA’s first time in Barcelona and it was an excellent location for our Annual Meeting! Accessibility to Barcelona–El Prat Airport from around the world, a high-quality and diverse housing package, great public transportation system, innovative and functional meeting space and exhibition halls at the Fira Barcelona Gran Via along with high-level service and execution, helped to make our city-wide convention a big success. We had terrific support from the CVB and our housing and event partner that helped us achieve our meeting goals. It was a great experience overall!’”
Ms. TRICIA MONTERO<br>Manager, Education - Program Logistics <br>INTA (International Trademark Association)<br> Ms. TRICIA MONTERO
Manager, Education - Program Logistics 
INTA (International Trademark Association)
“Barcelona és una ciutat “complerta”: clima agradable, història, art, cultura, amb fàcil accés i un bon transport públic… i a més acollidora: quan vaig tornar l’any 2002, després de viure 11 anys als Estats Units i 13 a Itàlia, em demanava com havia pogut viure tant de temps fora!”
DOCTORA ELENA BARRAQUER<br>Directora Mèdica Adjunta<br>Centre de Oftalmologia Barraquer

Directora Mèdica Adjunta
Centre de Oftalmologia Barraquer
“La marca/destinació Barcelona és molt atractiva per diverses raons. A Barcelona, en moltes especialitats, hi ha una comunitat científica situada als llocs claus on es prenen les decisions.”
DOCTOR JOSEP MARIA GATELL<br>Senior Consultant & Head, Infectious Diseases & AIDS Units<br>
Clinical Institute of Medicine & Dermatology<br>Hospital Clinic<br><br>Professor de Medicina, Universitat de Barcelona<br>Co-Director, HIVACAT program

Senior Consultant & Head, Infectious Diseases & AIDS Units
Clinical Institute of Medicine & Dermatology
Hospital Clinic

Professor de Medicina, Universitat de Barcelona
Co-Director, HIVACAT program
“Durant la planificació i organització del seu 49è congrés anual, el qual va reunir fa poc prop de 18.500 metges, investigadors i professionals que treballen en el camp de la diabetis, els directius de l'EASD (European Association for the Study of Diabetes) van remarcar el gran atractiu cultural i turístic de Barcelona, les condicions "excel·lents" (en les seves pròpies paraules) de les instal·lacions dels recintes firals, la qualitat i quantitat de l'oferta hotelera de la ciutat, i la creixent rellevància i visibilitat internacional de la recerca biomèdica que actualment s'està duent a terme a la capital catalana. També van aplaudir la fiabilitat i professionalitat de les entitats locals implicades vers els compromisos adquirits, especialment davant imprevists.”
PROF. RAMON GOMIS<br>Chairman del 49th EASD Annual Meeting<br>Director de l'Institut d'Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS)

Chairman del 49th EASD Annual Meeting
Director de l'Institut d'Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS)
“Barcelona is a welcoming city which is respectful of Human Rights and diversity. Holding the Conference “Equality and Security” in the city provided a unique opportunity to raise the profile of women in police organisations, where we are still in the minority, both internationally and locally Barcelona is proud of its position as an international reference point in the field of equality in security. The aim of our Conference, safely hosted in the Congress Palace, was to reflect these values and give visibility to the role of women in security Thanks to the efforts of all involved we achieved our goals and the conference proved to be an enriching experience for our delegates, the volunteers and us as organisers. We, women in policing, are very grateful to Barcelona City Council, Fira de Barcelona, Barcelona Turisme Convention Bureau and local companies involved for their contribution to making the Conference a success. ”
Ms. MONTSERRAT PINA<br>President of the European Network of Policewomen <br>Conference Director

President of the European Network of Policewomen 
Conference Director
“No sóc objectiu, atès que Barcelona es la meva ciutat natal. Ara bé, treballar en ciència i tecnologia mèdica i explicar coses de la teva ciutat és sinònim de candidat ideal a l’hora de dur a terme un congrés; sens dubte, un gran congrés. Vam tenir l’oportunitat i l’èxit d’organitzar el congrés europeu de robòtica ginecològica SERGS, i val a dir que la meva satisfacció únicament és comparable a la que van obtenir tots els nostres invitats i assistents... Quina gran ciutat!”
Mr. JORDI PONCE I SEBASTIA<br>Vicepresident of European Society of Gynecological Robotic Surgery (SERGS) Mr. JORDI PONCE I SEBASTIA
Vicepresident of European Society of Gynecological Robotic Surgery (SERGS)
Barcelona se situa com una de les primeres destinacions d’Europa i del món a acollir un major nombre de congressos internacionals.
Consulta el rànquing


Barcelona manté la 3a posició en el rànquing AMEX GBT 2025
Barcelona guanya la candidatura del Congrés Europeu de Microscòpia
El turisme de congressos a Barcelona superarà aquest any el de 2023